Sedation-free Teeth Clean & Polish

Doggies need to have their dental hygiene kept up too! 78 per cent of dogs over the age of three suffer from some form of dental disease. Dog Dental Care is an essential part of your pet’s overall well-being. A brush a day keeps the doctor away!

Regular brushing helps prevent bad breath, periodontal disease, reduces plaque & tartar buildup. It’s also a great way to catch chipped or fractured teeth, swollen gums or anything unusual a dental specialist may need to be seen for. Bleeding gums is one sign to keep an eye on. Toxins from periodontal and other oral diseases are absorbed into your dog’s bloodstream and can damage the heart, kidney, and liver which filter the blood.

We use a simple home-made doggie tooth paste with organic raw cold-pressed coconut oil, baking soda and a splash of Ceylon cinnamon — Happy Brushing!


Healing with Turmeric Golden Paste


Bone Broth Benefits