Summer Safety for Dogs
We’re heading into the Dog Days of Summer and the weather is heating up in Vancouver!
While our four-legged friends may enjoy dog walking on the seawall, it’s important to ensure they don’t overheat. And, the best treatment for heatstroke is prevention.
Heatstroke is one of the most common illnesses in dogs during warm weather and happens when your dog is no longer able to regulate their body temperature.
The most common cause of heatstroke or hyperthermia is leaving a dog in a hot car. The dogs body temperature can elevate very rapidly, often within minutes. Even a two degree increase in a dog’s body temperature is all it takes for heatstroke to kick in.
Keep in mind that the primary way your dog regulates its body temperature is by panting. And, certain breeds (flat-faced dogs such as pugs, boxers, french/bulldogs) are at greater risk. As are dogs with thick coats or long hair, and very young or very old dogs. Also, a dog that is muzzled can be at greater risk.
Signs of Heatstroke (Hyperthermia):
Excessive/heavy panting; Difficulty breathing
Increased heart rate
Vomiting and/or diarrhea; Not eating
Elevated Body Temperature (exceeds 39.4). At 43 degrees the organs begin to fail
Dry, red sticky gums
Lethargy; Dazed and Disoriented
Glassy eyes
Excessive drooling and thirst
Weakness. Staggering. Restlessness
Urine dark in color
Nose dry. Skin lacking elasticity
Heatstroke is considered an immediate medical emergency and reduction of body temperature is a priority: use cool wet cloths, pour cool water over the head, body, chest and feet, and restrict exercise.
Hot Weather Tips & Tricks:
Don’t leave a dog in a hot car.
Go on shorter walks and limit your time in the sun.
Always have water on hand – a collapsible water bowl can be quite handy!
Stick to the shade – the hot pavement can also be hard on the paws!
Use cooling bandannas and/or vests for walks.
Use cooling mats at home if A/C is not available.
Be prepared, know the signs and stay safe out there!
- From your Yaletown Puppy Love Family