Healing with Turmeric Golden Paste

Turmeric has surprising health benefits!

• Anti-Inflammatory
• Antioxidant
• Antibacterial
• Arthritis Pain
• Anti-cancer
• Gastrointestinal Disorders

Honestly, there is a long list of health benefits to Curcumin (compound of turmeric, essentially it’s active ingredient). Inflammation is the key driver of most diseases in the body, and turmeric is one of the best natural anti-inflammatories nature or medicine, has to offer. Numerous clinical trials in dogs have shown to be quite remarkable. Not all dogs can tolerate turmeric, be sure to do some homework prior to using, and begin with a very small amount.

Also to note, taken alone, curcumim is not very bio available, which means only a small amount actually gets absorbed into the blood stream when taken orally. By combining curcumin with pipeline (a compound in back pepper) + healthy fat oil i.e. coconut oil, the bioavailability increases dramatically. Ensure to check the ingredients when buying a product off the shelf. Not all products are created equal. One of the benefits to making a home made recipe:

• ½ cup Organic Turmeric
• 1-2 cups filtered or spring water
• 2-3 tsp freshly cracked Organic Peppercorns
• ⅓ cup Raw Virgin Organic Coconut Oil
* Optional: add 1 tbls Organic Ceylon Cinnamon (for additional health benefits + helps to reduce the strong taste and odour)

Add turmeric + 1 cup of water to a small pot or pan. Bring to a boil. Turn the heat down and simmer for 7-8 mins, adding more water as needed until a thick paste. Remove from heat and allow to cool to just warm. Add oil + pepper and mix thoroughly. Store in a clean glass container in the refrigerator. Use within two weeks, freeze any leftover you will not use within this time.

Small dogs start with a pea size (1/8 tsp) added /mixed with food. After 4-5 days, increase slowly to ¼ tsp 2-3 times a day.

This powerhouse has been a staple in Mila’s diet and has done wonders to her health and longevity.


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